Black Mid Fire Clay by Keane - new 10kg bags
Keane Black Mid Fire is the jet black body that everyone is raving about.
Is it a bit pricey? Yes. Is it worth it? Sure is!
It's great for throwing or handbuilding, and fires happily to cone 6 to a deep dark black.
This clay used a black stain for it's colouring, so it's still durable for domestic wares. It's recommended to use a zinc-free clear, or you're going to end up with a very brown body.
But, as you're a clever, conscientious potter, you're always going to test new bodies and glazes before whacking them on your finished work, right?
Bisque 1000/c06
Glaze 1222/c6
Absorption 0.5-1% at 1220
Shrinkage 13% at 1220
10kg bags
If you place an order for more than 8 bags of one particular type, we will have to amend your order. thanks!
Keane - "Mid Fire Black is a standout in the Mid Fire Family. Not only is it the only true black clay made here in Australia, it’s the only one of my kind without manganese dioxide which makes me safe to handle as well as food safe.
Mid Fire Black is commonly mistaken for being a member of the Porcelain family. Its smooth fine body means it’s like silk to throw with. It’s also renown for intricate detail in hand-building + sculptural pieces.
Like it’s sibling Dark Matter, this is only black clays made in Australia and offer an element of surprise with glaze. It offers a smooth dark finish so Potters like to use light glazes for dramatic contrast. Be prepared for unanticipated results when pairing glazes with it as the strong pigment can produce surprisingly different results than lighter family members."
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