Our studios are filled with ceramicists, some just starting out, some with years of experience, all ready to share their community with you.
If you're someone who's just starting out, or maybe just creating as a hobbiest, we've Gym Membership which offers you access to our fully equipped communal spaces and your own storage space.
If you're someone who's a bit further along in their ceramics journey, and needs their own space, we have Studio Membership. This gives you your own nook in one of our studios, in addition to access to the communal areas.
Our Memberships Coordinator is happy to answer questions and organise orientations. membership@claysydney.com
Enmore Studio
37-39 Stanmore Road, Enmore
This 200sqm studio features a supply store, gallery space, huge workshop benches and membership area. This studio is predominantly handbuilding focused, but does have shimpo wheels.
Enormous workshop/benched area,
4 Kilns
Slab roller,
Full ceramic supply store for all your clay/tool/glazing needs.
On-site technicians
Studio glazes
Plaster area
Tools, molds and equipment
24/7 access
Ideal for those starting out, or hobbyists.
Your own space on our Gym Members shelves, so you don't have to schlep your work/materials back and forth.
Access to the Communal Area (above)
Reduced firing costs for members.
$60 per week, Payable monthly
Ideal for those with a bit more experience, who needs their own space.
Everything the Gym Members get, plus your own space, with bench and shelving. Each space has at least two walls and a bench, creating a little nook for you to work in.
Power points
Victoria Road Studio
146 Victoria Road, Marrickville
Our newest baby, this 240sqm studio features a huge workshop space, wheel bank and membership area.
Enormous workshop/benched area,
20 Shimpo wheels
4 Kilns
Slab roller,
On-site technicians
Studio glazes
Plaster area
Tools, molds and equipment
24/7 access
Ideal for those starting out, or hobbiests.
Your own space on our Gym Members shelves, so you don't have to schlep your work/materials back and forth.
Access to the Communal Area (above)
Reduced firing costs for members.
$60 per week, Payable monthly
Ideal for those with a bit more experience, who needs their own space.
Everything the Gym Members get, plus your own space, with bench and shelving. Each space has at least two walls and a bench, creating a little nook for you to work in.
Power points