Buff Raku Trachyte (BRT) by Feeney
Everyone loves Buff Raku Trachyte, and it's not for nothing. That warm buff. Those trachyte speckles that burn through glazes. The coarseness that allows you to go big, really quickly.
Yes, you're going to need to use setters, or spend a long time cleaning kiln shelves. There are a fair few community studios that won't accept BRT for this reason, so make sure you ask your friendly kiln tech first.
The hotter you go, the more pronounced the trachyte speckles will be.
Can be thrown, but not for the faint hearted, or hand-ed. We wedge with a throwing body sometimes, just to dilute the coarseness a little.
Bisque 1000/c06
Glaze 1000-1300
Absorption not provided
Shrinkage 7.4 at 1300.
12.5kg bags
If you place an order for more than 8 bags of one particular type, we will have to amend your order. thanks!
Pickup currently unavailable
We bring out the muddy creativity in everyone!
(yes, even you)